Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Apparently, stuffing preteen boys into hamster balls and then adding a motor onto that aforementioned ball to make it cycle at 10 mph is a thing now.....
A really awesome thing that is....
Buddy lasted approximately 0.2 seconds before biffing it and spending the remaining three minutes of his ride being flipped over and over and over and .....well, you get the point. Buddy had a blast, but then again, when this is the other option on your agenda for the day....
You're bound to go for the one that at least has you giggling least I would hope.....I'm starting to worry about you if option #1 wasn't your first answer. In other news, Buddy has become a walking billboard lately. First poo....
Now colorblindness? 
 Honestly, if only he could be the paid poster child for poo and colorblindness we would be set!!!!! Oh well, he'll just have to settle for his unpaid gig as Statue Rhino Rider....
And Boogie Boarder Extraordinaire...
Yep, I think we're good! So all in all a super fantastic, having a good time, day!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Artist (with a french accent of course)....

Yesterday, one of Shane's coworkers came over and saw the painting I have hanging over our shoe rack in the entryway. He asked about the artist and the cost of the artwork. Unfortunately, since I've been feeding and putting clothes on the artist for the last 11 years, the price was a little out of his range.....

But when Buddy came home from school and I told him that someone thought his artwork was worth 9K, his money scheming brain started getting to work! Buddy of course told me he's going to start the prices low to build up clientele??? Seriously, where does he get this stuff? Has he been reading the Wall Street Journal when I wasn't looking?  He is beyond excited to start his new endeavor of being a famous artist and selling his replica paintings for 100 bucks. Too bad this actual painting cost $104 for all of the supplies! Ahhh, back to the drawing...or should I say spray painting, board. In other news, I absolutely love my painting!!!! I'm not into art, per say,  but this piece makes me happy EVERY SINGLE TIME I look at it! So all in all a super fantastic, owner of a priceless piece of art, day!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Buddy is the best at getting me distracted from bringing the parental hammer down for him to complete his homework. It's like this kid can read me like an open book...."Mom, wanna have a pogo stick competition?"....

I mean, what parent in their right mind can turn that down. Then there is my personal favorite...."mom, will you just hug me forever?"

That boy!!!!! If only they gave out grades based on evasion techniques!!!!! So all in all a super fantastic, finally completed all of our homework just in time for school, day!

Saturday, February 13, 2016


I relinquished control today....

Perhaps I really never really had control to begin with?

I think he's just been letting me pretend all along! In other news, Buddy made a painting today for our entryway....

In other, other news, apparently working with color blind artists drives my OCD crazy!!!! So all in all a super fantastic, thank goodness we've survived, day!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Just not right....

I think I have finally decided that perhaps this family isn't quite right in the head????? First Buddy comes up with this tagline for his Valentine's Day handouts....

Then I end up posting all over the internet a picture that looks like I'm mid poo....
So all in all a super fantastic, perhaps not quite right, but definitely not wrong, day!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Not working....

Buddy took  his grandmother Hawaiian sledding yesterday....
It turned out it's just as awesome as one would think Hawaiian sledding would in, it didn't work at all, but they looked good trying! So all in all a super fantastic, who knew cardboard doesn't easily slide down a lava rock based field?, day!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Easily distracted...

 Buddy and I needed to weed the backyard today. Turns out we needed to Pogo.... 
and pogo....
more than we needed to weed the backyard! So all in all a super fantastic,  not weeding our yard, day!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Diary of a Sicky Kid....

Buddy has been home sick lately. Since there is always that fine line my kid walks between, is he really "too" sick to go to school or could he suffer through it?  We took away TV,  computers (except for Moby Max-the school's online math program) and books. I know, it sounds slightly unparental (I'm positive that's a word) of me to take away books....but if you knew my kid, he'd be happy as a clam reading books nonstop for the next 2,000 years! So, the ogre parent in me had to put the kabash on that one and he's only allowed a book at bedtime. He's been occupying his time wisely learning a new trade....
Of course, now that he's learned how to make crass poems look beautiful he just can't stop. Several of our friends and family members will be recipients of these precious pieces of art in just a few short days compliments of the USPS! He finally made it back to school today....but only after I assured him he could take his calligraphy pen and ink well! Who knew deep down inside Buddy was a proper gentleman (when I say proper...I totally mean someone who can use quill and ink, we all know that kid doesn't have a "proper" bone in his body, as evidenced by his poem about pooping in the toilet)? So all in all a super fantastic, in other news, he's starting a sketching class today and he is so excited!, day!