Thursday, October 31, 2013

Obscurely famous....

Today I decided to complete my ensemble and eat lunch with my father....or is it my son, no it's my father, wait, I'm just getting confused...
In my eyes, I was clearly Princess Leia, but apparently no one on the islands has seen Star Wars because at least 10 people asked me who I was supposed to be (even when Darth Vader was standing by my side)! Hmmmm, oh well, we'll work on geeking up the islanders. In other news, trick-or-treating was a huge success with our Tie Fighter. I would love to show you pictures of our awesomeness, but I was too busy being awesome. But I'm assuming from the ridiculous amounts of strangers snapping pictures of us we'll be famous in no time! More importantly though, Buddy came out with a haul....
I think he might not have been the only one!
But seriously, I wish I had some pictures of him and the Tie Fighter! It had glow sticks on the trim! Trust me, glow sticks make everything more awesome, plus it worked out well for a little cocoon when Shane couldn't handle being cold anymore (yes, theoretically the temperature wasn't cold, but we're used to being hot). Then it made for a smoother transition to ending the trick-or-treating when ALL THE HOUSES hadn't been visited and it was close to bedtime! Shove three kids in a space ship and end up at home, voila! It was magical. So all in all a super fantastic, waiting to be famous, day!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

If only.....

 Buddy decided to help me out with my workout tonight......
If only that would actually help! In other news, it's my brother Chuck's birthday today. In his honor, we set off a few of these....
Chuck still lives on the East Coast so Buddy has only met his Uncle Chuck a few times, but let me assure you, Chuck is a living legend around these parts for all the havoc he wreaked in his childhood! I'm hoping Buddy follows enough in his footsteps to have fun, but enough out of them to avoid the frequent school suspensions for the multiple pranks gone wrong! Happy birthday Chuck, we are giving you a Beeder family underarm binging salute (if you don't understand that statement, it's because you weren't raised in the land of awesome  compliments of a certain older brother named Chuck)! So all in all a super fantastic, living in the footsteps, day!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Birthday Boy....

I had a lunch date with a certain little someone who turned 9 today! After lunch, I got to go to his class and  do some science experiments to wow and amaze his classmates (not sure they were wowed or amazed, but at least they got to go outside, and some of the really lucky kids got hit by stray soda from a mentos explosion gone oh so wrong). After school I took Buddy and some of his friends to the 4D theater and then he had a melt down while doing his homework. In his defense, I think homework on your birthday should totally be outlawed (but that way of thinking is probably a really good reason that I am not a teacher).  Shane had a work meeting tonight at one of the resorts, so, like the good family we are, we totally mooched off a free pass to play in the resort pool! Awesome!!!!! We're a good family like that! In other news, I got an email with these little gems attached (talk about great timing with that first picture)...

I am so proud to be that little buckethead's mother! So all in all a super fantastic, love my boy, day!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Mustache Bash....

Buddy had his birthday party today, he decided he should dress in style for the occasion....
One of these days I'll introduce him to something called a white shirt, because he apparently doesn't realize they actually go under coats, but whatever, he was rocking it! Buddy had wanted a mustache themed party so we went all out.....well, if you call giving all the team members nicknames of mustaches, then we totally went all out....
First we played a game of "mustache dash", each kid had to wear a mustached clothespin on their right shoulder and try to steal everyone else's away. Errrrrm, in case you were wondering, being the first out at your own party is kind of a downer....but on the upside, he makes a really cute Snot Mop!
Next we played a game of "elephant smash and bash" (at least bash went along with the theme)....

Then we played a little round of "sticky stache", the kids really got into this one!

Is it just me, or does looking at these pictures make you realize the power of being an adult? Really? Please come to my party and smear sticky junk on your face and then shove your face into some cotton so not only will you be sticky, but you'll be annoyingly me, it'll be fun!
Since their faces were already a mess, I decided that I should probably get their hands messy too, just to complete the ensemble.....thus a game of "find the stache" (aka hidden rings inside of a cake topped with an entire can of whipped cream....also known as awesome!)

Since the kids were needing a bath by this point, we played a game of "splash the stache", unfortunately I think my professional cameraman (Shane) decided to take a break at this point, so no pictures to document it. Just picture huge shaving cream mustaches getting hit by sponges thrown by exuberant children! Then we did a little "mustache catch" which was more of a catching a water balloon in a bucket marked with a mustache (I mean we have a theme for a reason, right?)
Well, then you know what happens after the water balloons get busted out, right?

Buddy's teacher even made an appearance (when I was in 3rd grade I was convinced that teachers lived at school and never left, much less made an appearance at a party). The kids were more than pummel him with sponges soaked in shaving cream.....

After the cake, the straggler party goers decided they should join the dark side for a while....
No worries, they returned to the force pretty quickly and actually cleaned up all the shaving cream and cake smearings left in my cul de sac without me even asking. I do believe the force is strong in the young ones! So all in all a super fantastic, totally bashed, day!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Chock full....

Buddy was helping me set up for his birthday party tomorrow....well, he was helping me set up, until he decided we should have a family water fight.....
That boy is just chock full of good ideas! So all in all a super fantastic, where did all my helpers go, day!

Saturday, October 26, 2013


This morning Buddy woke me up at the crack of dawn so we could put some finishing touches on his Tie Fighter...
We finished it in record time, so I went back to take a power nap and Buddy decided to just walk around the neighborhood pulling the Tie Fighter. Pretty certain if I were an 8 year old boy, that's what I'd be doing too. Anyway, he walked around a while till another kid broke one of the wings...... so we did a little remodeling (when I say we, I totally mean Shane and Buddy, because I don't do well with things being broken right after I spent hours putting them together... I'm human, I have flaws, pouting like a 3 year after someone broke my toy just happens to be a big one!). After the boys finished the remodel job, I did a remodel job on Buddy's face....
I think it turned out very well, that is,  if you're into the Darth Vader without a mask look....which we totally are!  I'm thinking it turned out pretty awesome if I do say so myself!

I loaded Buddy up and then we took a mile hike to the local park for a Halloween party with our ward (that may of not been my brightest idea every, because it was hot, and long, and full of fun hills, but it was a great workout if nothing else). Buddy melted so much that he immediately took off his bald cap,scars and most of the makeup had run onto his costume! Best laid plans, I tell ya! The ward was putting on a carnival so Buddy wanted to contribute by giving free rides!

Apparently Buddy is part horse from all the carting he was doing! Seriously, even the parents were amazed at his super human (horse) strength. Unfortunately, when the party was over it was my turn again. I'm voting next year's model be attached to something with a motor, but I'm pretty sure that's my biceps talking right now. So all in all a super fantastic, don't need to exercise for the rest of the year, day!

Friday, October 25, 2013


I let Buddy open his birthday present a little early (by the way, I'm officially going on present wrapping strike and from here on out using the lazy, put on an eye mask, method)...

Apparently he loved it...
He's had his eye on one of those things since he and his cousin Hyrum  rode one of these unsupervised down a very large hill! Of course, the fact that we could build around it to construct this....

makes me love it (that's a tie fighter for those non-Star Wars fans, or those of  you without imagination)!  We put a fresh coat of paint on it tonight, and in the morning, we're installing our laser beams, you read that right, laser beams! Of course, with Darth Vader's..... I mean Buddy's new ride, I foresee a lot of me lugging around a wagon for the next week! So all in all a super fantastic, sweet ride, day!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Pumpkin head.....

There must be some Beeder in that pumpkin, or pumpkin in that Beeder, because I see a strong family resemblance! So all in all a super fantastic, avoiding the fast growing mold, day!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Big confusion.....

Tonight, while the whole family was taking a drive in the car (OK, I know there are only 3 of us in the family, but it sounded cooler than just saying Shane, Buddy and I), Buddy said "when I turn into a Shane Sr. we are going to have some big confusion"! Buddy was extremely worried that Shane would be getting all of his mail order packages when he grows up (I think our family may have a mail order problem, I'll be looking into a 12 step program for that). According to Buddy, as soon as a Jr.hits 18 they automatically turn into a Senior. Makes sense to me, poor guy is going to be stuck as a Junior all his life, but while we were eating dinner, we were sure to mention he could improve his ranking if he could convince his wife to name one of their boys as  a III, then he can raise the ranks and be the II (which sounds a lot cooler than just plain ole' junior!). In other news, Buddy was avoiding bedtime by regaling a tale of how a kid was eating his lunch today at school.....
I'm hoping that kid was eating corn on the cob, otherwise that kid may have some serious eating issues (FYI-Buddy also mentioned this kid was foaming at the mouth, so I think my kid may have some story fabrication issues). So all in all a super fantastic, not confused yet, day!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Learning curve....

I'm glad Buddy could go to Cub Scout camp today to finally learn how to tie his shoes...
Hey, what can I say? We live in flip-flops year round around here! Anyway, he also learned how to make a goofy face....
Just kidding, he already had that skill mastered! So all in all a super fantastic, is it bedtime yet, day!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Board Meeting.....

Buddy had a board meeting this morning....

                                                         I'd say it went pretty well....
                               Actually, I'd say smashingly, knock you off the board, well....
                          So all in all a super fantastic, if only this were a paying job, day!