Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Road to Recovery....

Buddy and I have been hard at work on the long road to recovery from our little Christmas Day present of the crud.....
What a horrible child!!!! No worries, he hung his head in shame after that action towards me....
Or they were really hot after lugging that thing up from the beach. I'm definitely going with the feeling shame! Along our road of recovery we ended up finding this little treasure trove...
At least a treasure trove to these  boys. (If you can't tell, that's a nest full of abandoned chicken eggs). The boys took a treasure each to see if they could get it to hatch... I told them they'd have better luck taking care of a baby chicken if they started thinking/acting/being a mama chicken....
 And that, ladies and gentleman is what we call hook, line and sinker! It may almost be worth all the work I put into making them an incubator when we got home to continue to ruse...although I couldn't quite convince any of them to cluck a lullaby at bedtime. In today's recovery news, Buddy decided that the best way to get over this bug was to shoot it head on....
Or at least shoot something in the head....
Goal met....his recovery is well under way! So all in all a super fantastic, continuing this long hall of recovery, day!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Anxiously awaiting....

So the day after Christmas we ended up doing this...

If you're confused by the pictures above, you're not the only one!!!!! Just kidding, we were at the doctor's office and he decided he should spy on what the doctor was doing while he was waiting.....He stood there for a good 10 minutes before he confessed that he couldn't actually see anything through the windows. Gotta hand it to the boy, he's got commitment to the role down! So all in all a super fantastic, on the road to recovery, day!

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Waiting for Christmas....

With all the pranking we've been doing for Christmas, I think Buddy had been feeling a little left out. Well, I wouldn't have thought it, but then he told me, so I had to make amends....

I even gift wrapped him into the room, the room that Shane and I also happened to be sleeping in as well....because I'm that dedicated to the job!
I mean, look at that face! Definitely worth dedicating to messing up your own house for I'd say....
Shane didn't get home until really late last night, and then we had company over for dinner so Buddy didn't get to open his presents until almost 8:30 last night and he didn't even make a peep about it!
Not  sure if it's because he's that awesome of a kid, or the fact that he's really sick and I've been pumping him full of drugs that make him not care about much of anything....I'll go with the BUDDY IS TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!
Now he's playing with his gizmos and gadgets(seriously, that's the name) while watching his go to sick movies... which I'm not allowed to reveal the titles of out of tweenage embarrassement....but I will say who knew fairies that wear green and go by the name "Tink" could be so fun? So all in all a super fantastic, ready to get over being sick already, day!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Elfing magic....

Since Buddy's outgrown the magical pranks of the "Elf on the Shelf"...we decided to kick our elfin magic up a notch and start pranking other people's houses....and they actually let us!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Last night was our last hit for the season...and the only one we got a picture of (of course it doesn't do justice to the horrid mess we made)...
The whole family was gone to the ballet so we didn't have to worry about waking any kids like the other houses we hit up. Of course, that only meant that Buddy could take more time pulling his pranks. I'm not truly sure what he ended up doing in the girls bedroom, but he spent a really long time in there playing  pranking with their dolls! We had a great time doing our "elf mischief", just not sure if anyone will let us into their house next year now that the word is out! Doh...I knew we should have hit up more houses! In other news, we bought some donuts. In other, other news, Buddy is really excited about the aforementioned donuts (hey, they had to be flown in from Maui, they're kind of a big deal)!
So all in all a super fantastic, pranking our way through the holiday season, day!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Out with the boys.....

Shane had a fancy-shmancy work party this weekend... 

 I had other plans....
What can I say? That Bunny suit is so comfortable the whole family wanted in on that action!!!!!
Just kidding, I forced them into it, but they liked it! Just like Buddy liked this action....
Trust me, he loves the rocking action....just not sure if he'd admit it to his friends! So all in all a super fantastic, holding onto my boys, day!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Nerds Unite....

We went to go see Star Wars last night.  My mom always taught me when ever you go out, you should dress for the occasion....and my mama is always right...

Well, except for that one time she told me if I wore lipstick I'd probably catch a guy....that one didn't pan out quite right (not the guy part, I've got me one of those, the lipstick part)! So all in all a super fantastic, glad our friends are nerds too, day! 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Buddy's Thanksmas Vacation....

All of Shane's family congregated to Seattle over the past week to celebrate Thanksmas. We did the usual stuff,  like visit the local tourist traps...

Ride the aforementioned tourist traps .....that is after purchasing the tourist trap pictures to prove that we were there....
Best eleven bucks I ever spent, and thank goodness those gondolas were heated because pictures of us freezing to death  would probably be a little morbid!

While we were there Buddy got to spend some quality time with the family...
although, I'm thinking that the mandatory matching outfit thing may have been a little bit overboard this year...
Just kidding! Buddy loved it...possibly as much as he loved that his uncle let him play his Fender....
and his banjo/ukulele....
Thank goodness Thanksmas only comes once a year because we were missing the heat....of course Buddy now has a cold....go figure! So all in all a super fantastic, still didn't see snow, day!

Monday, December 7, 2015


Moms! They're really good at making you do lame stuff like mowing the lawn...
Posing for Christmas Pictures....
 and kissing you until you pass out from loving overloads!!!!
Three Cheers for moms is what I have to say! So all in all a super fantastic, hip hip hooray, day!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

The epitome of lazy!!!

When Buddy got to school today, the first thing he did was this....
 Who knew that the 100 yard walk to the school grounds were so exhausting??? Then, Buddy begged for me to take him to play racquetball again.....
 I'm not 100% sure the game we played would be considered racquetball...I'm thinking more along the lines of lazyball..... After Buddy got his fill of his new found favorite game, he decided to do his next favorite thing...pose with inanimate objects....our favorite. Enjoy!

You're welcome! So all in all a super fantastic, not lazy, just creative, day!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Making a Racquet.....

I introduced Buddy to the world of Raquetball yesterday after school....

He introduced me to the world of "Angry Birds" Lollipops...
Thankfully we all survived the introductions...well, maybe the Angry Bird lollipops didn't, but they were tasty and deserved to die! Buddy like his introduction so well he wants to go again tonight....and basically every other night this week. I'm not certain if it's the game, or the fact that his farts echo fantastically in the court that he thinks is so awesome! Well, who am I to judge in a room full of awesome...and stench? So all in all a super fantastic, making a racquet, day!