Saturday, June 16, 2018

Things just keep getting weirder....

This week started out fine....we carried around some heavy poles....
 Used a thingamajigger to do some whatsit stuff...
 Practiced our whack-a-mole skills....
 Raced our brother.....
 and then, somehow things went wrong.....
 very, very, wrong!!!!
Oh well, at least he smelled good today! So all in all a super fantastic, maybe he's just getting clean now so he won't feel so guilty for not showering for the next week while he's at scout camp? What am I talking about, he never feels guilty about his stench, day!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

My life in pictures....

We may never need to speak again...So all in all a super fantastic, living the good life, day!

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Parenting wins...or pick!

The boys in my house all ordered some programmable LED fans. They put on awesome displays of things they love, sadly, I wasn't mentioned in any one's fans....but Buddy was sure to put in several names of video games that he loves. Finally I suckered someone into finally putting my name into lights....
 He was really accommodating about the whole thing! Then I forced the boys out of the house and then made sure to pose them as the mental patients that they are.....
 When I had my fill of nuts, macadamia and otherwise, I forced them all to the beach so I could go snorkeling.....
You would think that a certified scuba diver would understand the word "snorkel", but this is Buddy's interpretation of when I said "get your gear together so we can go snorkeling". I'm now wondering if he needs his hearing checked? So all in all a super fantastic, forcing everyone to do whatever I want....kind of, day!

Friday, June 8, 2018


 Buddy has been making good use of his summer vacation. Monday, he met up with a few school friends to play at the beach.....

 Tuesday, he decided he'd had enough lollygagging around, so he decided to head back to school....

Scuba school, that is! He is an officially certified scuba diver now.....

and a certified lover of cakes (this is him after he already had two pieces and somehow convinced the doler of the congratulatory cake to give him two more for his brother....well, at least one piece made it home). So now we're done, we can get back to our lollygagging...
Well, until Tuesday when we start school back up again.....this time it's hunter education classes....a parent has to take it with anyone under 18, I hope his passing or failing isn't reliant on me! So all in all a super fantastic, Buddy loved scuba camp and is planning multiple future dives...I'm planning to be in debt for the rest of my life because of it, day!

Sunday, June 3, 2018

What is going on here???

 Buddy's last day of school was this past Thursday. The week before, he performed in his Ho'ololea (100% positive I spelled that wrong, but 100% positive that I was was sitting on the same row so I could make goggly eyes at my favorite 7th grader)...

He even played this really cute game during his perfomance where he pretended he was embarrassed by me! What a doll!!!! Then, the boys found an abandoned bird that they adopted for a few days...

 Then it died....which is probably why it was being abandoned in the first place, but she was cute! To kill the monotony of boredom and loneliness that can hit during these horrible summer days, Buddy has been helping me make dinner.... 
 Playing with something that flies that won't die of some weird infection that will eventually off the entire family....

and lastly, going on super boring tedous hikes into the wilderness with our guns and swords.....

 So the boys can shoot at each other to "see if it hurts"!

 Boys! I'm not sure that I'll ever understand them, but as long as I keep getting my morning cuddles...

I'm not going to complain! So all in all a super fantastic, scuba diving camp starts Tuesday, day!