Sunday, March 29, 2020


We went on a bike was so awesome that we went all went on two rides!!! Well, except for Shane, he got a huge work out by driving his car to ferry Buddy and buddy up to the top of the mountain...because mountains are much better down than up...
 I however apparently have no regard for my lung capacity and went up....
Apparently, I lived! So all in all a super fantastic, our leg muscles are going to be huge when this is over, day!

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Super Lucky!!!

One of Buddy's classmates couldn't get home because of the Buddy gets to enjoy social isolation with a friend!!!! He's super lucky. What wasn't lucky was a water line that we broke while planting our garden in preparation for Armageddon.  No worries though, Shane and I braved a trip to the hardware store and the pipe is fixed....and our garden is thriving.....even if it will take 80 days to even sprout anything....but hey, we have a garden.
In other news, we went on some more bike rides today, we did one yesterday....and guess what we have planned tomorrow? If you guessed bike ride, you are correct! How did you get so smart? So all in all a super fantastic, getting kind of saddle sore over here, day!

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Spreading cheer for all to hear....

This morning one of my friends posted for anyone in the neighborhood that wanted to participate to place a heart somewhere outside of your house for kids to find as a scavenger hunt during their daily walks. If you know me, I love a good is today's effort.....

 Look out for tomorrow's addition of cheer spreading. Buddy decided that since you can't see Captain Crunch at night, he better spread cheer another way.....

Buddy wins! So all in all a super fantastic, cheery day!

Saturday, March 21, 2020

I...SO....LATION or I...SO...LONELY???

Apparently it takes the whole world to shut down for me to get a minute to blog. That being said, can I say how sad I am that when I'm supposed to be on Spring Break, the rest of the world is too! Oh well. Thankfully, before the world went crazy with CoVID-19, we went to go stock up on essential supplies. One would think the essentials would be food....or even toilet paper (I don't know, don't ask me why everyone bought all the toilet paper), instead the genius that is my husband, stocked up on shards of broken glass. I think the shards of glass may come in handy later when we don't have any toilet paper. In the meantime, Buddy is learning a new skill.....which will come in handy since Shane isn't working for who knows how long....Buddy will really need to start to earn his keep....

 Buddy is also putting his Lego skills to good use. That thing has been sitting around wanting to be completed for a very long time!!! 
Now we just need a King Kong to really make it snazzy! In other news, we've been trying to invent a replacement N95 mask since basically the whole world is out... 
 Our prototypes are sorely lacking, but I think Buddy is on a great path to be really helpful (and hopefully complete an Eagle Project to boot). In other news, I've been socially isolating with a co-worker. Somehow she talked me into a really far bike ride. I complied and decided it would be a great photo opportunity to look goofy....

During my tomfoolery of trying to look goofy....I fell, looking goofy!!!!
Side note, when you go down hill 5 miles it's really fun, but then when you try to go back up without water, you may have a problem!!!
Water is totally your friend, my friends! In other, other news, the social isolating co-worker and I took our kids on a hike to socially distance ourselves further, it was alright!
So all in all a super fantastic, distant, but not so far away, day!