So, as of this past Friday, Buddy started his spring break. Not only did he get to go on the overnight campout through his school to start his break off right, but he's gone to a birthday party every day since Friday (okay, I know that's only 2, but seriously, that's a lot for these parts). Yesterday, he went to a friend's house for waterballoons, nerf guns and hide and go seek. Today, he went to the beach for a birthday party for a girl, attended only by other girls....
Which just makes this video even more funny! Ha!
Tomorrow is an Easter Egg hunt in the dark, then a town meeting on Tuesday for a merit badge he's working on and then Wednesday we head over to Oahu to meet up with my favorite (and only) sister and some of her crew! We are soooooooo excited. So all in all a super fantastic, can't wait till Wednesday, day!