Sunday, March 18, 2018

Spring breaking....

So, as of this past Friday, Buddy started his spring break. Not only did he get to go on the overnight campout through his school to start his break off right, but he's gone to a birthday party every day since Friday (okay, I know that's only 2, but seriously, that's a lot for these parts). Yesterday, he went to a friend's house for waterballoons, nerf guns and hide and go seek. Today, he went to the beach for a birthday party for a girl, attended only by other girls....
Which just makes this video even more funny! Ha! 
Tomorrow is an Easter Egg hunt in the dark, then a town meeting on Tuesday for a merit badge he's working on and then Wednesday we head over to Oahu to meet up with my favorite (and only) sister and some of her crew! We are soooooooo excited. So all in all a super fantastic, can't wait till Wednesday, day!

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Smarty pants!

Buddy got selected to go on a government educational program involving an overnight campout in Hakalau Forest's kind of a big deal since the Reserve is completely closed to the public. It rained a ton, it was cold, but he learned A LOT and had a fantastic time!!! He came home to teach me about all the things he learned. Then he looked up a few things on Wikipedia that he learned about.....and then proceeded to correct a few lines of misinformation that had been written on wikipedia!
He had such a great time learning all about the forest reserve. I'm calling it now, I won't be surprised if Buddy's job as a grown up involves being out in nature, he loves it soooo much! So all in all a super fantastic, we know so much now, day!

Friday, March 16, 2018

Out with the boys.....

Buddy got picked to go to an evening educational event hosted by a former NASA employee this week, he got to take a parent to build racing robots.... 

One guess who that chosen parent was.....
 If you see that red hat, you'll see the chosen parent. What you aren't seeing is the matching shirts Buddy picked out for them to wear. They were pretty stoked when they got stoked that the pictures I got were sent from another parent, because who has time to take pictures when you're building bots! So all in all a super fantastic, waiting for my boy to come home from his first overnight school field trip, day!

Sunday, March 11, 2018

A good time!!!!!

Buddy has been having a good time lately, mowing the lawn....
Enjoying a Chicken Bake at the local Costco.... 

and last but not least, being tortured in a bounce house for a birthday party!
Yep, it's amazing how he could even enjoy that last one! Pure torture I assure you! So all in all a super fantastic, goody goody gumdrops, day!

Sunday, March 4, 2018

The poops!

Some of us have had diarrhea again today......some of us have spent most of the day in front of the TV watching Disney movies,,,,,,

Then some of us started watching  "Say Yes to the Dress"........Hey, it's a good show, and Buddy got distracted by train videos on the internet! So all in all a super fantastic, well, other than more of the poops, day!

Thursday, March 1, 2018


Buddy has been missing school on and off quite frequently the last few much so that I attended an impromptu school meeting in the school parking lot whilst dropping off the boy about his frequent absences! Errrr, yeah, so Buddy went to school, then the school called for me to pick him up approximately 45 minutes later! Oh well, we got home and I immediately made the boy a chore list....that is after I grumbled a bit to him about his absences! I think I must of gumbled too much because when I came back in from weeding the yard he had updated the list.....
 Yep, zero nominations for Mother of the Year  this week! So to make amends I gave him a sewing lesson, just kidding.....he had requested that I make a large rice bag for him, I left the sewing so I could start dinner and he DID THE WHOLE THING!!! Okay, I did do the last 4 inverted stitches to close the bag......

But holy bananas, he did an AMAZING job....he said he just kept doing what I had started doing! Smart boy, I did ask him if he wanted sewing machine lessons....unfortunately for me because I was really looking forward to all the clothing he was going to start creating for me! Oh well, maybe next time. So all in all a super fantastic, went to school all day long today, day!