Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Summer blasting.....

So we are two days into Summer vacation and we've hit max capacity of neckwear.....
 photo booths....
 and unending cave systems....
 although I think we need a refund, this one actually ended.....
 this is my shocked face......
 Just kidding, that was my normal face when Shane told me I needed to make a normal face for once......that picture is me chanting in my head "just be normal".....I think it worked. 
Today, I wanted to go to the beach......so of course we went shooting....
 Then when we dropped Jordan off with his dad, we of course had to stop by the store that had fancy hats in their windows.....we're not anything, it not suckers for fancy hats!!!
This is Buddy practicing his upside down smile! He's nailing it of course. Tomorrow, the beach....although no one should really hold their breath if Buddy is concerned with the scheduling of activities.....stinking teenagers....no really, he stinks, that's why he needs to get in the ocean! So all in all a super fantastic, summer loving, day!

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