Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Smooth talker....

Yesterday was my 13th Wedding Anniversary...
I really wanted to talk about the smooth talker in my life.....I wanted to pretend very much that Shane is the smooth talker in my life, but let's face it...there is no boy smoother than my Buddy! That boy somehow talked his way into going on our anniversary trip on Sunday night....

Did I mention he even got to skip a day of school to attend the aforementioned "Anniversary Trip". Of course when I say anniversary trip, I really mean we used our one free night at a local hotel coupon that Shane got as a Christmas bonus ...but it was a stay at a hotel nonetheless!!! Buddy had a great time, taking nice romantic walks on the beach, staying up late, eating a romantic dinner, swimming in the pool, cuddling,  sleeping in late, TURNING THE A/C TO SUBZERO TEMPERATURES! We finished our romantic getaway with a dental appointment getting all of our teeth cleaned....because nothing really says love like freshly flossed and fluoridated teeth? In other news, Buddy gets a monthly Tinker Crate, which he loves. This month's crate was about electricity, so Buddy and Tyler made a flashlight from wires....and, well, because I have no idea what all the other things are, I just call them thingamabobs....
Then, because Buddy's dad is Shane, they upgraded that flashlight....
Yeah, it was a two tie wearing kind of awesome....
So all in all a super fantastic, smooth, day!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Good idea....

Buddy had a fantastic idea yesterday, a fantastic idea that lead us to this awesome spot.....
Of course, it was such an awesome spot that Buddy wouldn't move over. No worries though, I found a spot, right on Buddy's cushy tushy!

In other news, Bones is up to no good.... 

Or up to a lot of good, depending who your asking!
So all in all a super fantastic, full of great ideas, day!

Monday, September 21, 2015


I have worked at ton this past week, which means I felt like my home life was significantly suffering! To correct the errors of my way, we did a little of this....

Hopefully, I'll never make that mistake again!!!! Just kidding, I am beyond blessed that I have a job that I can basically work when I need to (when it's slow season for Shane) and pretend to be a stay at home mom when I need to (all the rest of the time)! So all in all a super fantastic, love being with my boy(s), day!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Superhero Overload...

Buddy came home Tuesday really upset that a bully was bothering one of his friends, which led to Wednesday him telling on the bully to his teacher while I offered moral support. Buddy had been really, really, really upset that someone had been unkind to someone else!!!! Yay, I'm doing something right....Of course my thoughts on that were quickly squashed when he then proceeded to sing me a song mocking the bully on his ukulele, but I did have 3 seconds to revel in my fantastic motherhood glory! Buddy's fallen in love with the ukulele, taking it to school every day so he can practice, then to bring it home to practice some more....heck he's practicing so much he can't even put it down to pay attention to where he's walking...

His grade is learning the ukulele for Hawaiian studies and since he has loved that so much, we signed him up for lessons after school as well. Thankfully, he's really good at it, because I'm not sure I could handle nonstop out of tune twanging! In other news, the Halloween decorations are up and the pranks are starting to come out full force...

Hopefully this skeleton can keep herself busy until Halloween! In other, other news, Buddy is still wearing his gas mask at every opportunity he can....
That was us on our way to church Sunday....he actually argued with me why it wouldn't be appropriate to wear it inside of the church!!!!! Seriously??? That boy! He's fantastic! So all in all a super fantastic, working on it, day!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Good to know....

Buddy had been planning to be a toilet for Halloween this year. That is until he found a gas mask, and then he rethought his whole costume process (actual costume to be announced later). Then today, he found another gas mask....
Today, we also found out that I will not be surviving the zombie apocalypse due to my inability to don on a gas mask for more than 3 consecutive seconds due to  crippling claustrophobia!!!!
Definitely good to know! So all in all a super fantastic, glad the zombie apocalypse hasn't come yet, day!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Doctor's Orders....

I took Buddy to a doctor's appointment with me today.....
While we were there he decided that he has a calling to become a Proctologist when he grows up. Being the fantastic mom that I am, I got him some tools of the trade to help him along his pathway of higher learning....

Yep, he'll be needing that! In other news, Buddy's man of war sting got worse today....
Which led to multiple trips to the nurse's office and limping today. So much for avoiding medical treatment in order to be able to show it off today. Lesson learned, treat that sting early and well! So all in all a super fantastic, wearing our prescriptive gas masks, day!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Peanut butter and Jelly fish sandwich?

Buddy went to the beach without me today and ended up getting stung by a man of war....
 Well, 5 to be exact. Actually, everyone that went with Buddy to the beach today got stung because the man o war were out in full force. Buddy, the superhero, told me he and his friend "killed at least 50"....then I had to break the news to him that those suckers can still sting the crap out of you even if you poke them with a stick, but I appreciated his bravery. Also on the list of his acts of bravery, refusing medical treatment so he can show it off at school tomorrow! Hmmph! In other news, we went to the beach on Saturday and didn't get stung...
Buddy's dreams of a one man "Fight Club" are finally coming to fruition....
And 10 year olds are still not to be trusted in your makeup drawer....
So all in all a super fantastic, stinging, day!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Leg work....

Buddy has been working on his grace and talent. I think it's been paying off. First, he choreographed and talked all of his fellow troopers into joining him in this little foray....

Then, he decided that ballet on land is really for wussies and took it up a notch....
 Not sure the notch was really working so well!!!!

So all in all a super fantastic, Buddy got a ukulele over the weekend and has already gotten this little bit down....