Saturday, December 26, 2015

Waiting for Christmas....

With all the pranking we've been doing for Christmas, I think Buddy had been feeling a little left out. Well, I wouldn't have thought it, but then he told me, so I had to make amends....

I even gift wrapped him into the room, the room that Shane and I also happened to be sleeping in as well....because I'm that dedicated to the job!
I mean, look at that face! Definitely worth dedicating to messing up your own house for I'd say....
Shane didn't get home until really late last night, and then we had company over for dinner so Buddy didn't get to open his presents until almost 8:30 last night and he didn't even make a peep about it!
Not  sure if it's because he's that awesome of a kid, or the fact that he's really sick and I've been pumping him full of drugs that make him not care about much of anything....I'll go with the BUDDY IS TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!
Now he's playing with his gizmos and gadgets(seriously, that's the name) while watching his go to sick movies... which I'm not allowed to reveal the titles of out of tweenage embarrassement....but I will say who knew fairies that wear green and go by the name "Tink" could be so fun? So all in all a super fantastic, ready to get over being sick already, day!!!

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