Buddy and I have been hard at work on the long road to recovery from our little Christmas Day present of the crud.....
What a horrible child!!!! No worries, he hung his head in shame after that action towards me....
Or they were really hot after lugging that thing up from the beach. I'm definitely going with the feeling shame! Along our road of recovery we ended up finding this little treasure trove...
At least a treasure trove to these boys. (If you can't tell, that's a nest full of abandoned chicken eggs). The boys took a treasure each to see if they could get it to hatch... I told them they'd have better luck taking care of a baby chicken if they started thinking/acting/being a mama chicken....
And that, ladies and gentleman is what we call hook, line and sinker! It may almost be worth all the work I put into making them an incubator when we got home to continue to ruse...although I couldn't quite convince any of them to cluck a lullaby at bedtime. In today's recovery news, Buddy decided that the best way to get over this bug was to shoot it head on....
Or at least shoot something in the head....
Goal met....his recovery is well under way! So all in all a super fantastic, continuing this long hall of recovery, day!
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