Sunday, May 20, 2018


There have been lots of changes around these parts. I'll pretend that's why I've been slacking on the blog. Here's a quick little catchup of the last few weeks...We got a a cat....
Actually, as two cats...
Buddy's allergies hit in full force and Shane wasn't a fan, so now we have no cats....
We ran a 5K...
Actually, I ran it twice so I did a 10K and Buddy did a 5, so between us we did a 15K....which in US measurements, I have no idea how far we went, but my legs were sore the next I'm hoping that means we went further than a quarter of a mile,  otherwise I'll feel super lame. On Mother's Day Buddy woke up and went to church without complaining (seriously, that in and of itself is a gift....waking up at 7:30 for church is just wrong). When I got home Shane had made arrangements for me to go get my nails done at a salon. Buddy, the genius, ixnayed those arrangements and insisted that we go on a family hike....

Have I ever mentioned that Buddy is a genius? Also, Buddy may or may not have an unusually strong bond with his sword. I'm not sure if he wanted the hike for me or for him? Either way, total win-win. So all in all a super fantastic, let's pretend I'm all caught up on blogging, day!

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