Sunday, June 16, 2013

Thankful for Father's...

Since it's Father's Day, I thought I'd be really creative and write a post about my dad......I know, I can really think outside the box. So here is some horn tooting for my dad, who is the most awesome man you will ever meet! He's quite the trouble maker, which is always right up Buddy's alley....

So dad, thanks for so many things! I'd like to be sappy and mushy, but that's really not my thing. Instead I'll do my own version of sap. Dad, thank you for my awesome genetic hearing loss, it does come in quite handy  sometimes! Thank you for my halitosis, without you as my shining example I wouldn't know to keep breath mints on hand at all times. I'd really like to thank you for my crippling shyness, but the deafness comes in really handy in this part! I'd like to thank you for my sense of humor, without it, we'd be proper and dignified at our house and I'm not sure I'd like that! Thank you for teaching me the love of taking things apart....too bad I never stuck around to see how things went back together. Also I'd like to thank you for my unibrow, High School wouldn't have been so awesome without it! Lastly, I'd like to thank you for passing on your Cherokee heritage which I'm sure contributes to my lovely tannable ( I'm sure that's a word) skin, unlike my alabaster siblings that burn at the mention of the word definitely comes in handy living in Hawaii and all! So all in all, I have the greatest dad ever, day!

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