Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Pump it up!

Yesterday I had an appointment with an Orthopedic Surgeon. It only took 3 months to get an appointment! Things are so speedy on this island! Turns out the foot that I always thought was broken since my fall 3 months ago, actually is broken (pretty certain the lingering pain and swelling was a clue). Now I'm thinking I shouldn't be charged by the doctor reading any of my multiple X-rays....but that's just me! So now, in a feeble attempt to avoid surgery, I'm wearing a boot, fancy Air Jordan style (you remember those right, you put them on and then pump up the tongue for an oh so snug fit)...
Thankfully, I have a little helper that is OBSESSED with pumping up my boot! Such a good boy! In other news, we bought a house. I always felt like I needed a house full of children, so I borrowed a few from the neighborhood and put them in my empty house....
Then I put them on the shelf because they were bugging me and called it good! Their mothers called, turns out they wanted their kids back, who knew?  In other, other news, Shane is cultivating a mini-me....
There could be worse things to cultivate! So all in all a super fantastic, pump it up, day!

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