Thursday, February 5, 2015

Workin' it.....

Buddy has hand writing issues. It's a widely known fact, and if you've ever gotten a handwritten letter from him, consider yourself blessed because the boy would rather type on a computer than actually hand write anything. Anyway, it's a problem. Recently, it's become a really big problem at school so his teacher recommended this.....
Yep, that's right, old school coloring book and crayons! Buddy absolutely refused to color when he was little, he'd actually cry if I attempted to force him (OK, I don't remember that I actually forced him, but I'll still try to shift the blame his way). I do remember that anytime I brought out the crayons there was no interest whatsoever (I'm sure my walls were always thankful for that).  So today along with our usual homework, we colored. While we were coloring he kept marking swatches of color on the side so he could tell what color it was, and then of course reading the label to see if he was correct. If you were wondering, he didn't get any of his color guesses right, but knowing your colors is highly overrated (especially if you're horridly colorblind)....take that kindergarten!!! So all in all a super fantastic, genius mind did not extend to the hand, day! 

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