Friday, July 17, 2015

Playdates all around.....

I decided to live on the edge and let Buddy have a playdate today. Of course, the good mother that I am, I insisted on proper hygiene first...

Pretty certain everyone in the theater was grateful for all of my hard work and sacrifice.... 
Afterwards, the good mother in me decided to help the kids out by introducing them to the hose. They in turn introduced themselves to my tables....

and a little thing I like to call "attitude"!
In turn I introduced them to a little game called "I have 3 boys and only 2 ride on toys".... 

 I'll be honest, the game wasn't the hugest hit, but the playdate was a smashing success, so much so that Shane had one of his own (they played with their drones)....

 My boys! Tomorrow is my turn for a playdate, I bought some sparkly pink fingernail polish just for the occasion! So all in all a super fantastic, it's good to have playdates, day!

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