We have finally arrived back to our rock in the middle of the Pacific. Of course we had to do a few obligatory things first.....like shoot a bazillion shots out of this thing.....
Pose in front of this thing.....
Of course, the obligatory goofing off in front of this thing....
Then we added new heights to our list of things to do....
(Buddy was really serious when he said he was going to get over his fear of heights so we could hike up Angel's Landing next year). Of course the trip wouldn't be complete without a picture with these old geezers as proof it happened...
Now we are home and we've been to the beach everyday since!
I'd like to pretend it's mostly because Buddy is a beach lover like me (he is a beach lover, but not like me) instead of the homework evasion I believe that is truly going on since I told him we would buckle down on our school work when we got back from vacation. Smart boy to use my love of oceans against me! So all in all a super fantastic, evading homework like the plague, day!