Some seriously fantastic things have happened over the last few days! First, I have a pictorial record of a Buddy hug.....
Yay!!!!! I'm sure I'll be revisiting those pictures when the teenage years strike! Secondly, Shane had a birthday party planned by some of the best party planners our money could buy....
Apparently, our money couldn't buy anything other than these two jokers..... Third, we went to the beach......well, I went to the beach, there wasn't room for anyone else....
Lastly, I quit my job.....let me rephrase, I quit the job that I actually get paid at...those freelance jobs (keyword free) are still in full swing! Buddy got so excited about it, he decided to tame a rhinoceros to celebrate!
Too bad I forgot to take a picture of me taming the rhino to celebrate, because let me assure you there is some serious partying going on around these parts (well, maybe not Shane who is feeling the weight of adult responsibility) but Buddy and I are having a blast! So all in all a super fantastic, partying it up, day!