Living on an island means that many fantastical things happen! You get to stay longer at the beach than everyone else and jump into other peoples' hard work to claim as your own...
(I'm seriously thinking Buddy may be a little weird...shhh, don't tell him)
When you live on an island, you can make goofy faces....which I know you can pretty much do everywhere, but when you live on an island, you get to have the ocean in the background to elevate you to a whole new level of goofy faced awesomeness!
But of the best reasons to live on an island....SHIPPING! Yep, you read that right. Frequently things are super slow to get here, if they get here at all. This year's Christmas Shipment topped the cake. I...I mean Santa....ordered Buddy's present early in November to make sure it got here in time. Then 1 week before Christmas, it still hadn't arrived and we got an email that the company decided that they couldn't ship to Hawaii after all. Since Santa was in a scramble, Santa's helper (that would be Shane) ordered Buddy the most awesome present in the universe (that would be the electric guitar). I'm not sure what happened after that, but somehow the original present made it's way under our tree after all on Christmas Eve. Shane put it up last night so we could enjoy our fireworks with flare....
Yep, we have serious flare!!!!! So all in all a super fantastic, I think we need more pushers, day!
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