Saturday, November 2, 2013

My 6,985,098,847th parenting mistake....

Buddy played his last soccer game of the season this afternoon, and we are a little bit exhausted! When we got home our house turned into an airplane hanger....

I'm pretty sure Buddy has made over 500 airplanes over the last 2 days. I'm also pretty sure Buddy is a hoarder and has only let me throw away 2 of the aforementioned airplanes! In other news, somehow the topic of Christmas came up, which led to talking about Santa and Goodboy the elf! Buddy told me he was 100% certain that they weren't real. For an hour he searched the house for Goodboy to prove to me that I was the one behind it all. Finally I confessed. Remember what happened with the tooth fairy? Let me refresh your memory (click on the word memory dad, it'll take you to the link). Well, you would think that I would have learned my lesson last time. Shane was sure to rub salt in my wounds on that one. But seriously, he's 9, I thought he really knew and he was just looking for validation. He told me he was really sad to be losing Goodboy. Good thing I put on my rebound parenting pants, because the family is now taking turns of pulling Goodboy pranks on the rest of the family! Guess who wanted to take the first turn....
I'm slightly afraid...
So all in all a super  (I'd like to say fantastic, but based on the tears shed today I'll defer that), growing day!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I remember the tooth fairy incident. It was pretty epic.
