Wednesday, January 13, 2016


 Yesterday the boys were doing some maintenance on the rat cage. While they were doing the updating they put Tiny (the rat) on my couch to play and hang out. Then we all went to know where this is going, don't you? Around 5 in the morning our motion sensor light went off in our bathroom....which was a little weird, I rolled over in bed and the sheets kept pulling on me weird. So I readjusted the sheets and it still felt really weird around my arms. So I turned on my phone light and lo and behold a nasty little rat was staring right at me! I picked it up to put it back in the cage, cursing the boys the whole stumbly way back to Buddy's room. The rat started squiggling and fighting me....our rat does not squiggle and fight, which had my 5 am comatose brain praying that this was truly our rat and not an impostor that had snuck it's way to my bed! Finally, I reached the caged and it was empty....huzzah, it was our rat and not a rabies infested sewer rat that was fighting me! The boys got a stern talking to when I returned to bed...they just laughed!!!!! BOYS!!!!! In other news, Buddy went to the doctor's yesterday for the umpteenth time this week because of a stupid cough that they keep kicking him out of school for, and today I became an MD because I'm diagnosing my kid and giving my second opinion that includes drinking a smoothie
and riding it out!!!! I'm pretty certain he won't get kicked out of school anymore! In other, other news, a few months ago I forced Buddy into joining rugby because his tweenage rollercoaster was making me I thought tackling others would help him get that emotion out. He hated it!!! He cried and cried after the first practice saying the kids were mean (which I don't doubt, don't be messing with the Polynesians and their rugby now) and that he didn't want to go back.  He pleaded for me to talk to the kids and his coaches so they would be nicer. I forced him to go, told him to just tell the kids that he didn't know the rules and ask them for guidance and boom! Today, 2 1/2 months later, I ask him if he wants to skip rugby because we have some family friends in town and "no, I really like rugby, I'd rather go" was the answer....and then I fainted! So all in all a super fantastic, recovering from my fainting episode, day! 

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