Monday, February 5, 2018

Mr. Popular....

No one really ever invites us to do anything (I may or may not be exaggerating that point)! Anyway, somehow, this past Saturday we got invited to do 7 different activities for the day. We started out meeting up for our "Surf club" (which I put in quotation marks because between Buddy and myself, I'm not sure if we could be truly considered truly in surf club). 

 Then we headed to the local bowling alley for a birthday party for one of Buddy's schoolmates....Not to brag or anything, but I totally won the "Pac Pot"...
 The boys went bowling....or should I say, spent an hour wearing bowling shoes while constantly changing and rechanging their names on the screen.....
 Then back to the arcade to spend as much money as humanly possible in order to "win" some cheap toys.....
 Yea, Buddy's sword popped the next day! Then we had some many night time parties that we all had to divide and conquer to hit them all! Sheesh, good thing people don't usually like us so we can get some rest! In other news, it rained today so Buddy decided we should go on a walk....

There was a pretty good lightening storm going on....and we were carrying metal umbrellas so Buddy quickly wrapped up the walking in the rain jaunt. I told him he'd have a great story if he really did get hit by lightening....but he didn't buy it! Oh well! In other news, Buddy's school has a core value that they review every month ( you know like, respect, know the stuff that jerky middle schoolers probably need to be reminded of). Every month they vote for the student that embodies the value that they've been reviewing. This month is empathy.....and you guessed it, my boy was voted as most empathetic. Is this where I insert that according to the Budster the entire 7th grade has been going bananas.....and Buddy's been out sick....sooooooooo....... His winnings, a school day without having to wear his uniform! Ha! So all in all a super fantastic, looking for the funniest shirt to commemorate the occasion,  day

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