Monday, February 26, 2018


So, Buddy's cousins made a surprise visit for their Spring Break.....We surprised them with a fancy spin in our super fancy swing.....
Then we surprised them with the ocean.....

FYI-I don't think they were really surprised that they were seeing the ocean while visiting us.....go figure. Keyon was surprised with a whale shark that swam right past him while we were snorkeling!!! Heeheehee! We surprised them with our gun slinging skills....
We surprised them with a hike into Pololu'u, mostly I think we surprised them when we made goofy faces for selfie photo time!!!!
Buddy surprised them with his horseback riding skills....
I think we definitely surprised them with our sushi consuming abilities....
We really surprised them with our extremely boring movie watching abilities....
Lastly, we surprised them....and possibly almost killed them, with Buddy's diarrhea making abilities that kicked in yesterday right before they left! Yep, everyone was surprised, not sure if it was a good surprised though........ In other news, Buddy and I have been playing a card game that he was making with his cousin....
Errrr, call me surprised, but I didn't understand the game at all....although Buddy did, I guess that's all that really matters. Buddy won every single hand......I'm starting to question this game.....So all in all a super fantstic, cousins are funsins, day!

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