Sunday, April 4, 2010


Note to all of my future children:
I am a huge sucker for children that want to stay up past their bedtime to read books...

I am also a huge sucker for funny faces...

So if you want to live the good life, you will learn at an early age to combine the two, and you can pretty much get as many loves, songs and re-tuck-in's as you want well past your bedtime!

Shane says I'm a pushover, hmmm? I'll have to think about that while I'm tucking someone in like a Bed Bug, again!
All in all a super fantastic day!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading about all your adventures. I am surprised that none of my boys have complained about a splinter....hopefully it is not so pink when he gets older so he is not so tempted to show the girls? :)
