Saturday, February 15, 2014


Some awesome things have been going on today.....Exhibit A.....
Although, I'm not sure anyone other than me will think it's awesome that I'm ALMOST done with decorations for our Blue and Gold banquet.....I'll just live on an awesome high for a few more hours, because I know I still have games to coordinate.
Then, Exhibit B.....
The Primary hosted a temple family day, entertaining the kids while the parents got to go in . For part of the entertainment, the kids got to go on an outdoor tour. I'll just speak for the little heathen Buddy, touching the cornerstone wasn't all he thought it should be...

Although, I'll admit, I'm not sure what he thought it should be? Perhaps I should have sung like a choir of angels when he touched it for a full effect.....although with my voice, the opposite effect would have happened! The good news is that the kids got to make temples out of marshmallows. The other good news (if you're Buddy anyway), the Primary leaders are suckers when it comes to the Budster! Buddy played the pathetic kid part, complained he couldn't eat ANY  of the provided breakfast or lunch because of difficulty chewing due to the spacers in his back teeth (prepping him for his braces next week), and ate more marshmallows than a human should probably consume in a 24 hour period. Of course, the good mother that I am, I am making a  dinner I of purred burritos.....YUMMMMM! I'm a good mom, I know! HA! In other, other good news, 
The boys are playing like boys, and Buddy hasn't cleaned his room in 3 days (good for him, not good for the OCD in me that has to keep closing his door)! Errrr, maybe the not cleaning the room part isn't so much of a good news, but let's just pretend! So all in all a super fantastic, rocked baptisms like a YW, day!

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