Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Supermom.....well, kinda.....

Buddy is so sweet and everyday while walking into school, he makes sure to invite me to have lunch with him. Shane thinks I'm silly and spoiling him by going to lunch with him EVERY SINGLE DAY, but I know the day is coming sooner than later that he will not even acknowledge my existence in front of his friends.....
I'll take it while I can get it! A few weeks ago he invited me to library time to help him pick a book since he's a little finicky about his reading material (think hilarious thoughts) and according to him, the librarian doesn't have time to help him. Errrr, there is only one librarian and 25 mobile and not so quiet kids! After the first time I showed up, the librarian herself invited me herself to come and help his class on library days....Anyway, this past Monday was a library day and the first half of the time the kids were to make and write a Valentine's Day card for a veteran to be dropped off at the local Army base. Buddy made a fantastic one with lots of hearts and then proceeded to ask the librarian if he could give it to me because I'm a nurse.....which, I believe in Buddy's mind is just like being in the military! FYI-she said no, and now some military personnel is stuck with a card with lots of "I love you mom"s all over it! I'm really hoping it goes to a woman......better yet, I'm hoping it goes to a mom, otherwise that could be one really awkward card! In other news, it's really difficult to figure out who is going to be the rabbit in pictures....
Sheesh, thankfully that's settled....
So all in all a super fantastic, wearing my cape while I type this (that'd be my super hero cape if you were wondering.....or my nursing cape, it goes well with my nursing cap I got at graduation), day!

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