Saturday, November 7, 2015


Buddy had to stay home from school this whole week to prevent a Elementary wide outbreak of oral herpes...
That's right...I hope the whole school knows the sacrifice he placed in order to keep them safe from the dreaded "cold sores".  Thankfully, we used our time wisely and watched TV (at least in Buddy's estimation that was a wise choice), we also talked about his future where he assured me that he would live in my basement FOREVER!!!!!! Not sure what emotion I'm suppose to have with that one, fear or joy....right now I'm going with pure joy. In other news, since Buddy is entering puberty these days, we've also started using our time wisely by instituting a morning sniff test...
Somehow, I think our time would be more wisely spent just making him take a shower first thing in the morning...then in the afternoon, then  after dinner....then again at bedtime....but that's just me! In other more fantastic news, today was my birthday. Somehow Buddy got it in his head that I'm really wrinkly and my age should be 3 years older than what it is based on his self made wrinkle test. At least Shane made up for it by taking us to the pool for the day. Water makes everything better....including my least until I get out of the water again!
Darn pruny skin! So all in all a super fantastic, at least I don't have a big head about my looks, day!

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