Monday, August 23, 2010

Launch Party!

The other day Buddy wanted to invite some of his cousins over for what he called a "launch party". Not sure where he heard that phrase, but I did ask what we were launching, his answer... "why singing and dancing of course!"
So here are a few pictures from Buddy's first annual launch party ...

Today was Buddy's first day of kindergarten (all day, every day), I would like to announce that I proudly walked him there, dropped him off and was glad that he was growing up. Like I said, I'd like to announce that, instead the instant I walked out the door I was a ball of blubbering mush and called my mother ( I won't say how many times). He on the other hand, walked in and gave his teacher (who happened to be his preschool teacher) a hug and then started scoping out all the new girls in his class.
Here's the only picture I could take before I broke down into a goo ball and embarrassed the poor boy...

(I think the look he's giving me is the, gee mom, could you hurry up, there are some important things I need to be doing.)
So all in all a super fantastic, growing up kind of day!

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