Saturday, March 2, 2013

Off the grid....

Ever wonder the best way to get your parents nervous about your well being? Just stop your regularly scheduled  blogging sessions for a day. Seems to work like a charm, and here I thought my parents just didn't care! Turns out they care, they just care about their daily read and their daily dose of Buddy (who can blame them). So mom and dad, this one's for you! This morning I somehow got confused what time Buddy's paddling practice started, so we showed up 2 hours early. Of course that seemed to work in his favor because the only thing close to the beach are tourist shops, and you know what they have there.....overpriced tourist crap (that's me channeling you dad)! I am now the proud owner of a overpriced toy car AND an actually not too overpriced model Hawaiian canoe (we've already tested it, it floats). I will not be making that mistake again, not because of the shopping side trip, but the sleep.....I sure do love my sleep and I am sadly missing it these days! Anyway, back to paddling. Not much to say other than Buddy loves it and I'm hoping it will calm the crazy just a little bit....

Ah, who am I kidding, I love the crazy....
Pretty sure that a Buddy without his crazy would be like an oreo cookie without it's cream (the cream is what  makes the whole thing awesome)! In other news, I'm heading to Oahu tomorrow to work in a NICU for a week. I'll be missing my boy, not sure he'll be missing me though. In my anxiety of leaving my kid, I've written letters, attached to corresponding presents and activities for him to do with his dad while I'm away. I'm pretty awesome, but perhaps not awesome enough to trump Wednesday's present....a pair of night vision goggles to go on a toad collecting hunt (but maybe that's just my opinion). So all in all a super fantastic, falling of the grid again, day!

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