Friday, August 30, 2013

Soccer mom......

Some days, as a mom, you feel like you totally rocked it! Some days, you don't. Today, was a rocked it day. I took my boy to go hang out with his friends at the beach after school....
Then I made post game soccer snacks for his team (the team name is the's a Minecraft [video game] character...
Rice Krispie style...
I won't mention the melt downs he had or the fact that I had to carry my 8 year old like he was a baby to his class this morning , let's pretend this whole day was full of rocking it awesomeness! In other news, I have the best husband ever! He bought me a huge pack of pregnancy tests a while back from China, so I take them fairly frequently (don't judge me, I just made Minecraft Creeper replicas out of Rice Krispie treats). Anyway, I took one the other day because I've been eating weird stuff and feeling nauseated and instead of making fun of a normal person totally would, he just said maybe I was checking too early. By the way it turns out I was  just nauseated and eating weird stuff, but my husband rocks nonetheless. I'll pretend we had a perfect day too and that I didn't have to carry him, kicking and screaming to work (just kidding, he didn't do! So all in all a super fantastic, NOT PREGNANT, day!

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