Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Jazz Hands....

So last night we went out to the Jazz game with a few friends, I was worried about Buddy being bored. Silly me, that kid has never met a stranger, and he has never been bored as long as he can use his voice. He decided that he was the odd man out's date and insisted that Eric (odd man out) sit beside him in the car and hold his hand. Then when we got there, (after he talked Eric's ear off) he decided to talk the ear off of the college kids sitting in front of us. They thought he was fantastic (which of course he is) since he was screaming for the team, dancing to the songs, clapping and per usual, flirting with the girls! So I think we'll take him again, what better place to let your kid use their indoor voice when their indoor voice can sometimes be mistaken for a scream!

(Yeah, we're cool like that, so cool that we are the nosebleed section and loving it!)
So all in all a very super fantastic day!

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