Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Rock Star of the Week...

So while heading out the door today, I checked Buddy's backpack. Turns out it's his special week at school to be Star of the Week and one of his parents (we won't mention names) was told so that the appropriate posters singing Buddy praises could be plastered up in his classroom. After a few expletives raced through my head, tada, what could be more praise worthy than a book all about you (thank goodness for the printed out Blog book for Christmas to my mom)....

When we picked Buddy up from school he was still going from page to page showing everyone every single picture and demanding that no one let their eyes wander so they wouldn't miss a funny picture (which by the way is 99% of the pictures).
So we came home and decided to conduct a few experiments (that is after he had me read the book for the six millionth time)...

Now we've decided to put on our gangsta hats and just look cute...

So if you're looking for us, we'll be the ones chillin' and looking cute on our super fantastic day!

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