Friday, March 26, 2010

Location, location, location....

So we have officially moved into a new townhouse, while we were unpacking we discovered a very strange, out of place outfit. I'm not sure who it belongs to because we are not lovers of all things trains at our house, that's just silly talk. As soon as the outfit came out of the box, Buddy let a cry escape from his mouth, that's right a cry of joy and immediately donned on the outfit and geared up the train, running around as fast as his little chug legs could take him. First stop, right beside a volcano in Hawaii (seriously, poor kid has no imagination), next stop Santa's workshop to check out Santa's elves. Sorry if we didn't tell you all earlier, we moved apparently somewhere smack in the middle of Hawaii and the North Pole, seriously premo location!

So if you ever want to take the Hawaii to North Pole train, I happen to know a really great engineer, and for a small price you too can ride the Buddy Express!
So all in all a super fantastic day!

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