Saturday, October 15, 2011

Condensation and the attack of the Third Eye...

Yesterday Buddy and I had plans for a jam packed day!!! I'm assuming that he was just trying to help me space things out a bit when he woke me up at 6am to get ready for school. First up was a field trip to Kalopa State Park where I got to be a chaperon. When his teacher asked him who he wanted to be in his group, half of the class ended up standing in my line. Thank goodness there were 4 other parents to divvy the kids out to because my 3 were already a handful. Even in the rain, we walked the trail at a snails pace so we could check out every...single...thing on the ground. Ummmm, yeah, there's a lot of ground...

Here's the group of rebel rousers... don't miss the girl with her arm around the Budster (she's the one he said was his BFF, also she made it on Buddy's top 2 list)...

Next up in our jam packed day was heading up to Honaka'a for some fantastic camping. We had a campfire, roasted marshmellows, hung out with other kids, and then headed into our tent to get some zzzzzz's. Then the heavens opened up and it rained and rained and rained and....well you get the point. Buddy was snoring nicely and slept until 5:30, while I was, of course, up all night and frequently checking that we were still keeping dry on the inside (we did although not many others faired so well). When he woke up, he asked if he could go out of the tent and play with the other kids. Somehow that kid missed that it was raining cats and dogs outside our thin protective layer, or maybe he just didn't care, oh wait, I think I know the answer to that one. Last night, they did a skit at the campfire. Buddy was the only Tiger cub to go on the campout, and when it was their turn to do the skit, Buddy said he was nervous and didn't want to go. At least he was refusing until 2 of the older boys offered to hold his hand and let him stand between them. Yay those boys...

They're good stuff!
Afterwards we seperated into new dens depending on our age and decided to have some good ole' fashioned fun...

One bee sting, 4 aching feet and 5 loads of laundry (seriously I don't know how that happened, really it was just overnight), we have returned home. Now if we could get rid of this thing that's been lurking around trying to scare everyone!

So all in all a super fantastically fun day!

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