Monday, February 20, 2012

Not even close....

So this morning, we all had the day off, so I forced my two beach rebelling boys down to the beach....
Well, we never actually made it to the beach, but we could see it from the pool. Besides, the pool was a salt water pool, so it's like the beach minus the sand...I say win-win for sure. When we got home, Buddy and I finished his snack for his special snack day at school tomorrow....
He's so excited he actually helped this time (usually, he just picks the snack and then he checks up on me once in a while to make sure I'm doing it right....told you he's a great supervisor)! Hopefully you can tell that they are sailboats in the middle of a Jell-o sea, but if you can't I guess we'll hope that a bunch of 1st graders have a better imagination? Then, Buddy and I created a marshmallow shooter for the cub scouts to replicate tonight...
After so much love for the snack, I thought he'd think I was awesomely creative. Errrr, yeah, not so much! Although the marshmallows were a hit, the shooter, not so impressive! He even went so far as to look through my cub scout craft book and picked a new craft to do tonight. The craft includes a bunch of hang gliders, maybe he didn't get enough with the bookmark stunt doubles last week? So back to work I go! So Buddy had a short playdate, which gave me some time to perfect this...
Let's just say that the hang gliders were such a hit with Buddy, that during the cub activity whilst all the other boys were making their gliders, my creative genius sat at his seat and cut his straw into a million pieces! I think that says, it was no hit at all. We did end up making the marshmallow shooters as well, making a mountainous mess in the process. Who knew boys liked to shoot things at each other? Oh wait, I totally did! So all in all, a super fantastic, creatively destructive, day!

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