Sunday, December 9, 2012

So wrong it's gotta be right...

I have an Advent Calendar and I let Buddy actually pick the activities to place in the slots for each day. Today was pajama day, today is also Sunday (errrr, whoops.... although I'm not sure who that is directed at, my fellow church goers, me, Buddy or you know)....Anyway, in other news, the other day I was making my blog book and I realized that in just one short year Buddy has quickly outgrown the "playing with mom" stage and entered the "playing with friends" stage. I am so sad that he's becoming less and less of a "baby" and more and more of a man. To take control of my issues, I just spent the last hour cuddled up on my lanai with my "baby" on my lap discussing the important things in life... you know, recesses, Jasmine, Star Wars characters, guns, killing hogs,camping, friends,  the Green Machine. It was a wonderful hour spent. I love my boy, and the fact that he'll still do this....
As long as he'll still do that, everything will be right in the world (at least in my eyes)! So all in all a super fantastic, stop growing, day!

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