Monday, October 26, 2015

Best Nurse EVER!!!!

I sent Buddy to school today, 20 minutes later the school sent him back . Apparently,  teachers don't look kindly on children that haven't mastered the art of covering their mouths when they have a hacking cough for 20 minutes straight! Silly teachers!!! Today we watched television and after a few hours, Buddy told me that I wasn't paying enough attention to him. Of course I wasn't, because watching a kid watching TV rates right up there with watching paint dry. So we cuddled in bed and looked at our old blog books. BEST BOOKS EVER!!!!!! Of course I am completely biased, but Buddy agrees, and that's gotta be something! In other news, here's a new little something Buddy has been working on this week...
So all in all a super fantastic, sending sick kids to school is apparently not cool, day!

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