Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Mother of the year....again!!!!

Buddy has been coughing for the last two days...compliments of camping in a cold/rainy environment I would guess. I would like to pretend that normally I would send my kid to school with just a simple cough, but he has a field trip to swim with the dolphins on Friday. Yep, you read that right, he HAS A FIELD TRIP TO SWIM WITH THE DOLPHINS!!!!! Anyway, I let him stay home and sleep and rest so he can get better for his dolphin least that's what the post night shift sleep deprived me is saying anyway. In other news, we've needed a few extra hands around the house with all of  housework I've been doing around here. Thank goodness I have a connection to get me at least one...

So all in all a super fantastic, I think I'm going to need more hands than that Buddy, day!

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