Friday, March 30, 2012

Boy Rule....girls apparently drool.....

Buddy had his "Boy Only" Party tonight, it seems like these boys are growing into men before our eyes....
Thankfully, they're not growing so fast that they wouldn't play with a marshmallow shooter...
But then again, perhaps you never grow out of playing with marshmallow shooters (I didn't catch any pictures of the 2 men in attendance using the shooters, but let me assure you, they were active participants)...
You know if you ask any gardener, one of the main ingredients if you want something to grow is water. Believe me we had plenty of it....
Next up in our growing process, building...
and destroying...
(Let me assure you, they are quite the professionals at destroying). Since they did so well at the destruction, they decided to show off their manliness, by having some healthy competition. First up, bubble blowing...
Seed spitting...
Then, since they were so adept at building and destroying, they decided to do it again, this time with eggs (I tell you, today wasn't a good day to be in the bird family)...
Disclaimer: all the eggs were damaged in the making of this production. Then to end the party with a big bang, we decided to make a blast of it....
Of course, our friends soda, and mentos helped out a bit. The boys thought it was so exciting they ran in the soda explosions (yes I said explosions, 6 to be exact) like it was a water park ride.....
Silly boys, or should I say, silly, sticky boys! Now Buddy is ending his party with a fantastic sleep over that's including watching some "manly" show about wild hogs (yes I'm actually talking about hogs, not motorcycles). So all in all a super fantastic, party/ but not pooper, day!

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