Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Yesterday, part of Buddy's homework was to write in his journal. His teacher is usually pretty lackadaisical about letting him write whatever he wants, cause lets face it....writing is his archenemy of homework. So in his journal he included a line "I love poop and pee and I love the world." Seems pretty harmless to me, well other than the fact that he sounds a bit like a beauty pagent contestant with the world love, he might as well have said he wants world peace! Anyway, perhaps I have been a nurse too long to realize what is appropriate and what is not. When I came to pick him up from school, he met me at the door to his classroom saying that his teacher was upset and he got into trouble for his writing assignment. Unfortunately, I am to blame because I told him he could write whatever he wanted to, so the Budster was quite upset with me! He didn't even talk to me the whole car ride home (all 2 minutes of it), then he went into his room, shut his door and did this....
For two whole hours! By the time he was done reading his comic books and giggling his head off, he forgot he was mad at me and my lack of an inappropriateness filter (is it wrong that I'm actually Okay with him being mad at me if it gets him reading for a few hours?), he was ready to play! Clearly, I'm continuing to rub off my fantastic mothering language skills since tonight, when Buddy had friends over, they played a little game of password. Can anyone guess what special words were the password? If you guessed poop and pee, you win one truly potty mouthed 7 year old! Just kidding, you don't win Buddy, but I could teach you all my secret mad mom skills so your kid can be scolded for inappropriate language too! So all in all a super fantastic, pooping and peeing (whoops, there I go again), day!

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