Friday, August 31, 2012

Lego Mania, and the ridiculously long post.....

So today, I threw a party for my primary class for being somewhat good in class for the last 4 months. When one of the mom's was leaving, she asked Shane if he liked throwing parties as much as I do. His response, "nope, if it were up to me, we'd have cake and sing a song and then everyone would go home". Of course then he returned to his important job of looking at flashlights online....honestly, when the zombie apocalypse comes we may not have food, or weapons,  but at least we'll be able to see! Anyway, back to the Lego mass hysteria, let's begin. First up, no good party is good without an explosion of awesomeness...

Here's my last minute booyah moment, I found these medals in the closet from Buddy's birthday party last year and decided to make a Lego Master/CTR medallion. Buddy liked them so much, he wore two. If I did it all over again, I would've made them a lot better, but hey, 7 and 8 year olds aren't too persnickety (thank goodness).

 Our treat boxes, filled with CTR bracelets and candy Lego's!

 Yes, I know that the mustache glasses don't really fit, but Buddy really wanted them at the party, and I'll never refuse a funny prop!

Pretty sure that the guys from the Lego company love me, if not, they totally should since I'm contributing to the obsession of minors!  Next up, the awesomeness.First up, building a race car, ...

 Well, that is after goofing around!

The goofing around is a definite necessity to any Beeder household party!
Then of course we had to race our cars, duh!!!!

Then we raced some Legos with a spoon, cause seriously, why wouldn't you. Of course, my boy did it with flair in true Buddy style (perhaps he was afraid of the wind whipping around his hair)....

Then we revamped the good ole' trusty throwing Cheetos game to throwing candy Lego's onto shower cap shaving cream heads....

From the smiles on their faces, I'm thinking they approved. Then we went back to the house to save some Lego men....

Did I forget to mention that the Lego men somehow got buried in Jell-O? Heehee! Also a huge hit, I think I'll just have buried objects in Jell-o all the time, just for the fun of it! Then inside for some more Lego building.....
Out of candy, then of course out of those boring plastic thingys....
First we did a competition of building the tallest tower in 90 seconds, then we made a bridge that had to support the weight of an egg...

Thankfully, for the floor below, all of them built sturdy enough structures....such smarty pants. Lastly, we had a Lego toss....
I hate to brag, but one of my kids I think, is headed straight for the Major Leagues! Of course afterwards we pigged out on pizza and the kids ate more marshmallow Lego men than I thought humanly possible...
That is,  after the boys performed a puppet show with them. Poor Lego men heads, they all met an untimely, slightly horrific fate....that being in the belly of a kid! Now Buddy is relaxing after such a stressful party, of course it's always funner to relax with a friend....
So that's it in a nutshell, Shane laid down after the last kids left (well, except for Buddy and Andrew, Andrew is sleeping over, and Buddy has promised to live with me until he's well out of college)! Shane said he was exhausted. Who knew flashlight shopping would wear you out so much! It was fantastic fun, perhaps we'll do it in a few more months if the boys keep doing well. Next time I think we'll do it at the church though, Shane was really super stressed out, which makes both of us laugh since he didn't do anything (he even admitted it, what a trooper for putting up with it all)! Such a funny guy! So all in all a super fantastic, hopped up on sugar and fun, day!

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