Friday, May 1, 2015

Smoking guns.....

Buddy had a field trip today. They learned the important art of fishing....
Buddy mostly learned the important art of being a goober....
and the extremely important art of making the stinkiest fish chum....
Trust me, you are missing out not being able to smell the stench of this stuff. Nothing quite says odorific like sardines, tuna, squid, peanut butter and bread!!!! In other news, we've been renovating our basement to do vacation rentals out of. In other, other news, Buddy DCFS may be contacting us shortly about the child labor laws....

FYI- it looks really awesome and I will be posting a bum load of pictures when it is complete, so start resting your eyes have been warned! In other, other, other news, contacts are a lot more difficult to place when you won't really open your eyes!
So all in all a super fantastic, needing an eye crowbar for Buddy, day!

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