Saturday, January 24, 2009

The heavens are smiling on us....

So this morning we didn't have any plans, so we decided to call daddy, and pick our nose...

Then, I decided to try some torture chamber devices on Buddy....

Then we thought we should call our cousins and see if they wanted to go to a little place called CHUCK E CHEESE. While I was getting ready Buddy decided to help himself to a snack....

And no, that is not sugar, I think it is a cry for help from too many processed foods, the boy is eating flour(and loving it).

When we got to the cousins house Buddy played a great game of jump on Uncle John....

Then we went to go hang with the mouse and eat some pizza....

The heavens were smiling on us, because as we were driving down to get the cousins, what should we see but a sign for a train show for today!!!! What luck, 2 marvelous(in Buddy's eyes) hours of watching trains, trains and more trains, and of course you can't leave a train show without your very own train, that would just be wrong....

As always a super fantastic day...

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how big Buddy is, or how much he looks just like the 2 of you meshed. Crazy!
    I miss you! Where are you?
