Monday, January 19, 2009

Now for the puke

So this morning we went to a friend of mine's house to ride horses and meet up with another friend that has a 3 year old. Buddy was like a regular cowboy hand, he was so great on the horse, bareback even. He wanted to take it home and keep it in our apartment, then he and Jonathan talked their way into Janet's house so they could check out her rabbits and dogs. Buddy asked if he could break down his Thomas bed so he could bring it over!!! Afterwards, we came back to our apartment to go swimming, Buddy was a little extra whiny so I knew something was up, once we got back inside, he cuddled on my lap and then began profusely vomiting!! What a lovely moment, pink puke nowhere to be found on his cute little body, the carpet and I however did not escape unscathed!!! Thank goodness for the 911 to my mom on how to get the offending stain out, which resulted with a delivery of a steam cleaner and a liter of sprite, compliments of my dad! Yeah for parents, and for living less than a mile from them!!!

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