Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Performances like this, are bound to get the grandparents going a little gaga....
Of course performances like this, are a little more par for the course around these parts.....

So all in all a super fantastic, signing up for the performing arts, day!

Monday, February 25, 2013


Buddy asked if he could hop in the shower yesterday. Not usual behavior for an 8 year old boy you say? I guess you don't know the draw of a flowery shower cap.......
So all in all a super fantastic, cleaned up, day!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


What's that out in the distance?.....
Oh, just my awesome boy that joined the local Canoe Club today....

To say he thought IT was the bees knees, is a bit of an understatement......and to say that he thought HE  was the bees knees, is a bit of an understatement too. According to Buddy he was the one doing all the work, of course it didn't help his big head that all the adults thought he was awesome (of course, he's the son of an everlasting kayaking loving mom....but that's just my big head talking) and told him so once his group docked! In other news, I've apparently turned into the mom that lets her kid do this at the mall.....
Would you think I were a better parent if I told you he was just scaring the fish so they'd go past the girl in the corner of the picture so she'd giggle.  Ah, who am I kidding, obviously I don't care since I continued to sit on my rock and just take pictures of his adventuring! So all in all a super fantastic, paddling, and not the getting a spanking kind, day!

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Yesterday at cub scouts Buddy was told to ask his school if he could participate in their flag raising ceremony to meet one of his requirements. Of course to make his request this morning, he had to dress in full regalia(per his requirement, not theirs)! He not only got to help raise the flag, but he also got to help take it down and then fold it. It was awesome, and he was cute, unfortunately I didn't snap any pictures because he was with the special ed class and I'm pretty sure their parents wouldn't be on board with publicly sharing! In other news, we got to babysit the cutest little girl (again). This was her giving Buddy a goodbye hug when she was leaving (well, her second goodbye hug because I didn't catch the first one).
This is the second time she's gotten to come over because her parents are sick and there is nothing worse than being sick while your kid is bouncing off the walls! Anyway, Buddy had fun with her the first time she came over. Now, the second time around, he  has already switched over to big brother mode and complaining that she was getting into his stuff. Sheesh, you just can't win with that kid.....although I think I need to invite more smaller kids to get into his stuff to knock the OCD out of him! Then again, that didn't work on me, so maybe I'll save him the "torture". So all in all a super fantastic, still lingering in the migraine world, but at least I'm no longer puking, day!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I have a migraine, so this is all you get! Looks like Stanley is living the life! So all in all a not so super fantastic day!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Buddy has been begging me for a paper bag for a few days now so he could complete an "important" project. While we were at the grocery store he sweetly requested a paper bag  from the cashier, telling her he had something "important" to do with it. Turns out, this is pretty important....
Man, I wish I were 8 again! So all in all a super fantastic, fulfilling our important roles, day!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Word to the wise....

Whilst hiding behind the curtains to scare your dad, make sure he's not in the bathroom.....because you may be hiding for a really, really, really long time.....
So all in all a super fantastic, learned our lesson the hard way, day!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The extended edition.....

So now that I've had a nap (well, if you want to call me tossing and turning while the wind rattled my house making me think it was going to be swept away a la Wizard of Oz style for two hours a nap), I'll complete my earlier post. A friend of mine asked if we'd be willing to host flat Stanley for a while.....Since I sent our Stanley out as a triplet so he could hit Utah, Seattle, and England, I figured fair is fair. So I wanted to make sure Stanley had a good ole' time. First we took him to the black sand beach where we not only saw a sea turtle, but a monk seal....what serious luck.....

It's apparent that Buddy loves his new walking stick that we actually purchased at a road side vendor....

 Not only is it awesome for helping you walk, but it makes a great prop! Literally.....

Then we went to Pahoa to relax in the warm springs.....

Ummm, I think the heater was broken because it wasn't really warm, so we decided to go somewhere we could guarantee to make us sweat.....

Yep, maximum sweat quota reached (by the way, that is not a smile on my face, it's a cringe from being tooooooo hot)! We all poked a stick in the lava, so  we have to think of something to one up that adventure now for Buddy, because completing something so awesome at such a young age really raises the bar on the awesome factor. Buddy loved it so much that he said if he has kids he's definitely taking them to "poke sticks in lava"....I think we have reached a new height in our parenting awesomeness, well at least we did yesterday,. Today I let Buddy watch TV while I slept, so we're back to our mediocrity level! So all in all a super fantastic, adventuring, day. Oh I almost forgot about the part where Buddy and I almost fell to our deaths....
Now it's a fantastic day!

Worry wart...

My mother is the ultimate worry wart when it comes to her kids, so hopefully no hearts will be attacked with the viewing of this video....
In other news, I think my kid may be a ham....
But at least he's a ham with a Monk Seal photo bombing his picture, how many kids can say that! Many more pictures to post, first up is my pre-work nap! So all and all a super fantastic, lava is really, really hot, just in case you were wondering, day!

Friday, February 15, 2013


Nothing like the threat of cancelling a play date with  his BFF  to get your unfocused child to get focused enough to get and "outstanding" award at school.....
Yep, I'm good like that! So all in all a super fantastically focused, day!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

My funny Valentine....

Is it just me or does my kid look like he just walked out of a British Comedy? Good thing I finally started liking British kind of grows on you, somewhat like the Budster!  Daily update on our conquering the notorious ADD, Buddy was told by his teacher to go "crazy" during recess and burn all that excess energy off so he could focus during class. I think he took "crazy" to the extreme and then got in trouble with the gym teacher that was supervising recess. Hmmmm, Buddy going "too crazy", inconceivable! In other news, I had a date night with my man (the big man that is)  at a fancy restaurant, we left with empty wallets and empty bellies.....something about these fancy restaurants and their lack of food presented on a really pretty plate! We decided we're going really fancy next year and doing  Mexican! Perhaps I'll even take a bean-o beforehand to class it up a bit? So all in all a super fantastic, Happy Valentine's Day, day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Best laid plans....

This morning I arranged a play date for Buddy....

This afternoon I got a talking to from Buddy's teacher that he hasn't been focusing at school for the past week. Let's just say it wasn't very pretty after the play date. In other news, this blog may get boring over the next few weeks while I become the tiger mom I was meant to be! I even made Buddy write an apology letter to his teacher, unfortunately I put a stipulation that his letter had to be a page long which means  he's included many words of love and adoration to his teacher. Hmmm, maybe all that kissing up won't be a bad thing after all. So all in all a super fantastic, grrrrrr, day!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Baking bread....

Did you know that 8 year old boys can get yeast infections......
Let's totally pretend I did, and that when Buddy was prescribed a mega dose of antibiotics last week I didn't consciously think "I'm so glad Buddy's not a girl so I don't have to worry about a yeast infection because of this". In other news, Shane finally had time to put together a little something I picked up for myself for Christmas (I was remarkably good after all).....

To say we had a blast would be an understatement! Buddy even told me his favorite thing about today was riding the Green Machines.....and here I thought school would have been the favorite since he loves it soooo much! So all in all a super fantastic, playing while baking bread, day!

Monday, February 11, 2013


Guess who can do a pull-up....
I know I shouldn't brag, but I can do a I'm pretty awesome! I've been training every day for months to do one, last night at 10:30 pm I did not one, but four! I screamed like a giddy little school girl so loud that I would have woken up Buddy......if he weren't hiding under his blankets with a flashlight reading a book that is. So all in all a super fantastic, barely containing my joy, day!

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Sunday is a day of rest....
Well, I think we can check resting off of our box of things to do today! So all in all a super fantastic, rested, day!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

It's got to be good.....

Any day that includes a race of lei's.....

Combines candy hearts AND chopsticks....

And has more frogs and friends than you can imagine....

Has got to be good! So all in all a super fantastic, great day, day!