Saturday, February 23, 2013


What's that out in the distance?.....
Oh, just my awesome boy that joined the local Canoe Club today....

To say he thought IT was the bees knees, is a bit of an understatement......and to say that he thought HE  was the bees knees, is a bit of an understatement too. According to Buddy he was the one doing all the work, of course it didn't help his big head that all the adults thought he was awesome (of course, he's the son of an everlasting kayaking loving mom....but that's just my big head talking) and told him so once his group docked! In other news, I've apparently turned into the mom that lets her kid do this at the mall.....
Would you think I were a better parent if I told you he was just scaring the fish so they'd go past the girl in the corner of the picture so she'd giggle.  Ah, who am I kidding, obviously I don't care since I continued to sit on my rock and just take pictures of his adventuring! So all in all a super fantastic, paddling, and not the getting a spanking kind, day!

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