Thursday, January 23, 2014


Buddy had his first Kajukenbo class today. Don't know what that is you say? You're in good company then,  because I can't even pronounce it! But the flyer that the school handed out says it's  the coolest form of martial arts that combines Karate, Judo, Jiu Jitsu, Kenpo and Chinese Boxing.....and after only one lesson will take your mother down (OK, I added the last part, but it's totally true)....
I did take more pictures of the class practicing, because I don't think that there is anything cuter than a bunch of kids practicing martial arts (well, pandas practicing the martial arts would be cuter, but they were already busy with a photo shoot eating some bamboo).  Anyway, back to my point. I took pictures but they didn't turn out very well because the kids were practicing in the shade. Hmmm, who's smart idea was it to have kids practice something physical in the shade? Sheesh!!!!!! In other news, Buddy is currently beside me finishing his math homework. He is such my boy! He is currently writing a division problem (they have to solve a problem and then write a story about it) that includes how many fart bombs will be released on each of the school's bathrooms! In other, other news, I will be expecting a phone call from the principal tomorrow! So all in all a super fantastic, avoiding the school bathrooms (and phone calls) at all costs, day!

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