Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Wedding vows.....

Buddy has been growing his hair out for the last few months. He's really been into watching old episodes of Richie Rich and has been styling his hair in a Richie Richish fashion....yep that's right, parted down the middle with an obligatory flip on the sides! It's quite fancy, at least in my opinion....of course I'm a huge Buddy fan and I think everything he does is awesome. Shane, however, thought it looked shaggy and gross.....which led to a spur of the moment haircut late last night. Buddy was not at all on board with the plan and tried to fall asleep crying in my arms. I told him since he loved his hair so much he should probably marry it....to that he stopped his tears and made plans for his impending nuptials. May I present Mr and Mrs. Hairball....
They make a beautiful couple, don't you think. Unfortunately the honeymoon is already over....
But really..... Buddy and a hairball.....did you really expect anything different? In other news, Buddy handcuffed himself to me Sunday night so I would be forced to take him to work with me....
He's been on a huge kick to go to work with me lately (not sure why, I don't even want to tag along with me to work). He's been so insistent that he even encouraged me to pick up an extra shift today with the understanding to the staff that I could only come in to help if he could come along.........needless to say, I didn't get called in (I'm thinking I should use that trick more often). In other, other news, Buddy's nose is electrifying...
Must be all the boogers! So all in all a super fantastic, wedding bells, day!

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