Saturday, April 7, 2012

Not all it's cracked up to be....

With Easter sneaking up on us, we finally got around to dyeing our eggs....
Buddy thought it was so fantastic, he not only dyed the eggs for the hunt, but my unboiled eggs for regular everyday, hum-drum use, and then proceeded to dye his hands. That just leaves me to think that all boys should be given weekly allotment of body paint (since mine seems to have stained hands more often than not), and their mothers should be given a never ending supply of vinegar (cause seriously you can do almost anything with vinegar....and duct tape....I think I'm going to research combining the two, I think I'm onto something). Since Shane is working tomorrow day and I'm working tomorrow night, I let the boys bust out the family Easter present...
Yay, new faces for everyone!!! Ok, they're really awesome mini flip fliers....
But a boy can dream can't he....
So all in all a super fantastic, family fun day!

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