Monday, April 16, 2012


Today after school Buddy went to his art class. They made clay turtles that will be drying all week, so they can paint them at the next class. Buddy thought it was so fantastic that he requested to go to the store to buy more clay so we could continue the creative fun. Since I had nothing else planned, or since I'm on a serious sleep deprivation and would basically say yes to anything, we headed up to Ace (since it's the place, or at least that's what the ads have lead us to believe). When we were driving to the store, we passed a huge.....and when I say huge, I mean ridiculously gigantic boot. Buddy actually begged for me to take him there so he could do this....
for you! It seems we have a resident comedian in our midst, and I really couldn't be prouder. He was sad the pictures didn't turn out so fantastic, next time we'll plan our photo shoots better and I'll bring the good camera (sheesh, artists can be so persnickety). So all in all a super fantastic, sometimes it's good to not have plans, day!

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