Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pots and Kettles....

Buddy has a cousin named Hyrum. Hyrum is the youngest of 7 children and is almost 2 years younger than Buddy. Buddy loves all of Hyrum's family, but when it comes to Hyrum, he tries to avoid him at all costs. He'll frequently tell whoever will listen that Hyrum is "too crazy". Hmmmm, I wonder if Buddy ever heard the pot call the kettle black? Well, yesterday "Crazy Hyrum" went a little too crazy with his at home gymnastics routine that involved the living room couch, and broke his arm and had surgery yesterday...
(Of course this is precrash)! So Hyrum (or should I just call you Kettle?), this post is for you. Today Buddy went to school after we tried calling you at the hospital (seems you were in a playroom...lucky). Then we ate lunch at school together and since the girls in his class weren't invited to Buddy's "Boys Only" party and all the boys that did go haven't stop talking about how fun it was, we decided to have another party on the last day of school (we're even letting the girls come this time)...
Try to talk you're mom into letting you come Hyrum (I'll even let you jump on my couch if you want)! Then after school I took Buddy and one of his friends to the beach (of course only after they finished their homework, because I am a responsible parent....errr, something like that). I let them try out some snorkel gear....
I'm pretty sure they were using their snorkels more like straws and I'm pretty sure they'll probably be wetting their beds tonight after all the water they consumed (I'll let you know if they do Hyrum). After they were done with that, they decided to just be boys and hang around...
Just in case you're having a bad day when you read this, I hope this picture of Buddy losing his head cheers you right up...
I know it works for me every time! We hope you get feeling better Hyrum, we're going to be mailing your mom a ton of bubble wrap so she can just wrap you up everyday so you won't get hurt again! So all in all a super fantastic, at least for us with the non-broken arms, day!

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